Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024

03/08/09 The N.G.O. "Romiosini" at the 33rd Congress of Pammesiniaki Federation of America and Canada in Kalamata

The 33rd Congress of Pammessiniaki Federation of America and Canada was successfully held from Friday, July 31st to Sunday, August 2nd 2009, at the University of Peloponnese in Kalamata. The Conference was dedicated to the 4th anniversary of the Summer School, organized in Kalamata by the Peloponnese University in cooperation with the Pammessiniaki Federation of America and Canada, the Municipality of Kalamata and the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad.

The aim of the Conference was the disclosure of the institution of the Summer School, as well as information for the ongoing support and reinforcement of the institution for its maintenance in the future. The institution of the Summer School gives young Greeks abroad the opportunity to strengthen their ties with Greece, to improve their relationship with the Greek language, to experience the Greek culture and admire the Greek history. By this institution the flame of communication is getting planted in the young Greeks' minds and hearts, as well as their special relationship with the manners, customs and culture of our country.

The Deputy Manager of the Jerusalem's Patriarchate N.G.O. "Romiosini", Mrs Catherine Diamantopoulou (Theologian - Philologist, PhD of Philosophy)attended the Conference and congratulated both Professor Mrs Georgia Xanthaki - Karamanou for the establishment and functioning of the institution of the Summer School and the organizers of Pammessiniaki Federation of America and Canada, who assist in maintaining the Greek culture and civilization in America and Canada from 1945, as well as in keeping closer ties between the Messinians, who live abroad and their hometown.

Mrs Diamantopoulou proposed to the President of the institution of the Summer School, to set up a website to highlight the complex task and to advance the aims and results of the institution of the Summer School throughout the Greek community. This pointing had a great impact and was accepted by the President of the institution of the Summer School. She also mentioned the N.G.O. "Romiosini" and its website, and the official website of Jerusalem's Patriarchate, noting the role played by these web sites, in terms of highlighting their aims, which serve and the work performed, both by Jerusalem's Patriarchate, and the N.G.O. "Romiosini".

It is worth noting that, among other things, Memorandum of Cooperation was signed in New York in 2007, establishing the Center of Greek Language and Culture in Adelaide, which launched its action in May 2009.

The suggestion of Professor Georgia Xanthaki - Karamanos was remarkable and you can read it by clicking here.


N.G.O. "Romiosini" Secretariat


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